Sunday, February 5, 2023

Module One Blog


The Common School

    Public school was born in the mid-nineteenth century. It's founders called it the Common School and they were funded by local property taxes, charged no tuition, were open for all white children (which was very unfair for the children of color), and were governed by local school committees. 

    But education was handled differently in the eighteenth-century. Across all the colonies, education wasn't important. Education wan't free or public. Some free education was available in the church charity schools of East Coast cities, but it was far for some people. When it came to Education, it was unfair for certain people such as people of color. Little children were giving a hornbook a way to teach children to read, learn math or to receive religious instruction. Only the most privileged children had the opportunity to go to a college or university. At the time, Jefferson offered no education to slaves but he was continued to push for public schooling. Mann found a system built on inequity but later propose a new better system which is the common school. That's when things started to change for the better. The first step was free education, which Mann did. Free education and poor children were able to attend. Which is why i chose the word "improved" because reading this section and just thinking how they started education only for white children and a lot of segregation going around, they at least got one thing right which was free education. Not only that, but Catharine Beecher step up to fight for education and opportunity for women to become teachers. 

    Every child has an opportunity to have an education, and graduate from high school. Children being in school helps them become better, they get exposed not only to new ideas but they gain new skills such as friendship, participation, empathy and etc. Schools shapes a child's personality, they way they think, opinions and behavior. Schools also helps children create a life outside their families. Yes, children go to school to learn how to read, do math, science but schools helps shaped a person, theirs a lot of opportunities they could have and do, that doesn't give them outside in the real life. Having a career is a choice for everyone because some people can't afford college or financial aid doesn't cover them.

    My education as a college student has shaped me to be better, to think better, challenge myself and not to give up. Being a college student could be frustrated at times because you're an adult and you must multitask your school and work life. 

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Reflecting on Part ll

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